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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Results of the Poster Design Competition

Oh well, thought I'd write about the URECA experience.
Dinner wasn't too bad, you can see all the NBS poster designers plus Carol and Joseph below. (Guess which one's me? haha...)

The NBS Poster Designers at the Appreciation Dinner Posted by Hello

Well... I managed a 32nd Position! Not too bad considering the prize is a $250 phone plus $125 cash for Prof Lee Gilbert. And its out of 108 entries too.
And yes and you can see I've finally managed to get pictures up. Picasa2 and hello bloggerbot are great programs, recommended anytime. Mobile blogging on a PDA is great, but these 2 programs take the html editing hassle out of everything. Just a small comment though.
#1. If you publish directly from Hello, the time will be the default server time and not your local time.

#2. You'll have to get back to blogspot in your browser to edit any posts or they'll just end up as photos.
Ah well, more on that another time


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