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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Poster Design

Alright alright this dosen't really have that much to do with the research process, but it did help me put most of the stuff back in perspective (I was pretty lost by then).
So the poster was divided into:

Research Qn: What will stimulate adoption of new technology (in particular 3G?)
I hope I got this much right at least.

What we knew...This was mostly about the rudimentary literature review I did (starting with Hilda's work and working on from there)

What we now know... This section was mostly on the results of the research process (i.e. Surveys which were conducted with the MBA groups and biz minor undergrads.)

Where do we go next?
This was quite a skimpy section with mostly suggestions on what to do with the pilot study data.
suggestions included focus groups to explain the results (but I still don't know how to conduct a really good focus group yet) or surveys with a larger sample size for greater reliability

And yes the poster is available.
A1 sized at

Powerpoint size (slightly lacking in details) at

Unfortunately, Powerpoint at A1 size isn't exactly easy to use. There was quite alot to sacrifice between readability and content. squeezing too much content would make the poster look really crowded while not having enough words would mean that the poster was not informative enough.
I did the best I could and while it looked pretty ok on a computer screen, I have no idea how the poster will turn out once its printed. I hope its good enough for $20 at least...


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