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Thursday, January 06, 2005

Before starting Mobility Roundtable Conference

Ok, so now I'm supposed to aim for a paper submission. Deadline for abstract: 15th February. But before that, I'll post some of the things I learned from B6554 here. Hopefully, these will serve as some guidelines for me to write a better paper.

#1 Keep things Interesting
While an interesting academic paper sounds like an oxymoron, there's nothing worse than a boring paper. Written in different styles, the same subject can be both extremely exciting and drop-dead boring. While there were two groups which did location based services, reading (AND understanding!) one of the papers was much easier than the other. Ideally, the key purpose of a paper is to put forward a point. While nobody can argue against something they can't understand, it means that they can't agree with it either. Which brings me to my next point.

#2 Be Specific
While it is good to try to cover all the bases, sometimes trying to get across too many ideas at once can be confusing for a reader.

#3 Avoid Mistakes
Perhaps this might be the most important point of all. A paper with typographical or grammatical errors loses credibility. A reader isn't going to believe something which creates serious skepticism.


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