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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Research Design?

Well, since I've got about an hour before my 2nd tutorial for the day starts, thought I'd get started on the research design...
According to the Prof, he'd like me to focus on children and how they use MDS. Gave me a few ideas on what I could do actually, but I was at a loss as to what to tell him when he asked what I wanted to do. The truth is, there is so much out there! How do I do everything? Guess I've gotta make some choices about this.
As such, I've decided to research on the young adults/teenagers market.
Why? Well, children GENERALLY do not get that much of a say when purchasing handphones, although they MAY or MAY NOT use the mobile data services available (e.g. GPRS)
Average income level households at least. I know because I've asked a convenience sample of my brother's friends (Age = 12, N=8)

SO, the research topic will be about young adults/teenagers (YATs). (I'll explain why when I have more time) And what exactly do I want to find out about? all these questions will have to be answered before I begin on the actual experiment (?) design.

Explore explore explore....
Well, I guess my main interest is to find out how YATs use their mobile data devices.
Also, I want to find out how MUCH they know about what their mobile data devices can do, i.e. how much they know about what MDS can do for them.

I guess first order of business would be a questionnaire.
I've gotta design one such that I can find out how much they know. Or perhaps a focus group would be in order.
I'm working with the prof with his MBA student's during the intersem, perhaps I could use their mobile data logs to have a clearer idea as to how YATs use their mobile data devices.
However, his MBA students might not be YATs at all, although I have a feeling the 2 groups are not mutually exclusive.
Ah well lesson's starting soon, so more on that later...


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