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Friday, September 17, 2004

It begins

16th Sept 2004
Think I've put in about 20 hours of reading and thinking about this project for the past two weeks.. haven't been recording yet but I've been trying to read through the research papers.. i.e. reading and re-reading and re-reading because its all pretty new stuff to me.
This has been more or less done, otherwise i cannot fully justify the 20 hours, so I'll post some of my analysis which I've started on the article "Understanding Mobile Data Services Adoption: demography, attitudes or needs?" The purple stuff is my own thoughts...

Early Adopter Segments for MDAS seem to be divided into five segments:

Apparently, the Technotoys fulfil a need for hands-on knowledge. They are willing to pay and get their information from technical reports and journals.

According to the "Forces in Play" diagram which Prof. Lee Gilbert gave me, User Behaviour is altered by Product/Service Design and vice-versa. However, do the Technotoys fit into this model? Seems that because they get their information from technical reports and journals, they are aware of changes in core technology. In other words, they DO know what is possible if they apply a little grey matter to it and most of them probably would.
Is this a matter of Core Technology changes USER needs and behaviour directly?
After which the product/service design changes because USERS demand it... i.e. its more of a 1 way than 2 way relationship between product/service design and user behaviour.

Mobile Professionals
According to the article, they rely on industry publications, employer/client decisions and the opportunity to create new value related to work life in making their adoption decisions.

They rely on industry publications. This seems to suggest that they know what is available but not what is possible i.e. they know about the various types of design but not what is possible with the core technology. They are also highly practical in nature, very task oriented and may demand minor modifications to existing designs?

In my opinion, these are probably a larger market than the technotoys.
Also, Product/Service design might not directly alter behaviour of this group.
If employer/client decisions affect their own, whether they adopt MDAS or not seems to depend on their employers/clients who belong to an undefined market segment.

Thats all for now... I have some more stuff but i guess i'll post it after i've made more progress on the two core module projects I have due next week.. I'll also scan some of my scribblings, most of which were made either on the MRT, buses or sitting at some fast food outlet.


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