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Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Questionnaire Design

Well.... I've actually gotten responses from two different classes who were captive respondents.
Haven't done the data entry yet though, been busy. (quiz today, quiz tomorrow, in class assignment Friday... Life is "interesting")
Time to write about what I learnt in designing a questionnaire though.

Writing a proper questionnaire is NOT EASY (understatement of the year)
It wasn't exactly the MOST traumatic experience of my life, but it probably came close.

Events in Chronological Order:
Adapted Hilda's questions on MMS and mobile gaming for 3G/GPRS.
(Easier said than done...)

Printed out 20 copies.

Administered first survey only to find out that some of the questions were actually agree/disagree questions coupled with Likert scales. which DOES NOT WORK!
Fortunately the group was small enough for me to be able to inform everyone of the error.
Also, noticed slight mistake with section placement.

Edited Questions
Printed out ONE draft copy
More mistakes, edit and print out 40 for 2nd group.

Administered second survey only to find out that sections were still misplaced.
Also, GPRS section on actual usage was swapped with 3G section on actual usage.

Note: By this time I was already feeling my hair turn white (whatever part of it I hadn't pulled out yet) not to mention a return of my migraine.

Lastly, despite my best efforts, the survey was MUCH too long.
about nine pages as respondents had to choose from 2 sections.

Also, the feedback I got from the prof indicated that the questionnaire had too much repetition.
quite true I guess... ah well.... try again soon.

Future Ideas:
Have seperate forms for different users - forms appear shorter.


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