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Thursday, March 17, 2005


Ah yes. here I am with PDA blogging again even though holding a pathetically small stylus is enough to give my hand cramps. So why do it? well, I guess its because its fun. Yup. sitting in one place and giving myself an increased risk of carpal tunnel syndrome is actually fun. Not to mention the headache which comes with trying to set up the PDA for use with the campus wireless LAN. which led me to realise one thing which I should have and did already pick up from sitting in on all those classes. Different people have different ideas of fun. To me this is fun because I get to fiddle around with a new gadget. What has this got to do with research? Well, quite alot actually. When your research is for the design of a mobile digital lifestyle and you find that fun factor significantly & highly influences intent, different people having different ideas of fun while to be expected, can be a real pain in the posterior. Oh well, more on that another time...


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