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Monday, May 02, 2005

Exams are over, back to business...

Well, kind of. Spent almost 2 hours at Orchard Kinokuniya yesterday at the IT Management pillar. Moved over to the IT pillar for awhile but thats too techie for me so I went back to IT Management which is a pretty new section (I think). Picked up 4 books:
  1. Conquering the Wireless World - The Age of M-Commerce
  2. Business @ the Speed of Stupid
  3. The Get-Started Guide to M-Commerce and Mobile Technology
  4. The Inmates are Running the Asylum (Recommended by Hilda)
Of which, 1 & 2 are pretty old (2001 Material) so they aren't really that relevant right now, but some of the segmenting mistakes etc are well documented. Also, it helps to see where people wanted to go at the time. Some still holds true though.

3 Is a Book about how to get started, including some of the important stuff businesses must make use of to be successful, and 4 is an interesting book on design errors.

I actually was interested in another book about Technology Misalignment but that isn't really that relevant right now. I browsed through and it was about how businesses should stop using technology for the sake of using technology. I guess most businesses should have realised that by now.

Oh well, I guess I'll post more when I start reading seriously.
Til next time,


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